Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Dilemma. I went to scour the reliable Smith Family Book Store yesterday. Looking for Bantam paperbacks. Not just any Bantam paperbacks, but Doc Savage paperbacks. My grandmother had given me a few when I was a kid and I have decided to start collecting them. Alas. It was not to be. But, I did find Beneath the Planet of the Apes and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. I had the Planet of the Apes books when I was a kid as well. I bought them. Of course I did. And Dear Reader, I cataloged them. Here is my dilemma. I want them to sit on the shelf next to each other. Easy enough. Right? Wrong. Different authors means different author numbers which means different call numbers. What to do? I found a call number for Pierre Boulle's original work Planet of the Apes and extended the cutter, including the extension for the translation from the original French, so that they will all rest neatly, obsessively, side by side in My Library (the official name). But you know Dear Reader, they are not correctly classed. And I know it as well. I feel so...


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