Friday, November 03, 2006

Does punctuation count?

Here at Pedestrian Subjunctives the mission statement is "Addressing the dearth of frivolity." In my continuing efforts to do so...blah, blah, blah. One of the more esoteric aspects of my job is to verify the forms of author headings appearing for the first time in the catalog. It is an acquired taste to be sure. And one that I find particularly appealing. I derive pleasure from discarding superfluous commas, adding dates of death, and eliminating the altogether unnecessary subfields "e." Oooh, and reconciling split files! I'm all tingly. Processing names lists is a journey, in that there are always going to be more the next day. There is no final name on a final list. There is no final list as there is no final book written. And yet progress can be measured in the completion of a single list. A rest stop on the infinite journey to enjoy the vista. Then move on to the next list. My work with names lists allows me to quench, in part at least, my borderline manic obsessive-compulsive need to seek order in all things. The routine of processing names lists is occasionally disrupted when something new is added to the catalog from a different source, for example a batchload of bibliographic records from a CD-ROM. Disrupt is the wrong word. I apologize Dear Reader. Rather than a disruption, these lists are really bonuses. I did tell you I am ill, didn't I? I am nearing completion of a fairly lengthy list of names representing authors of works that are part of a collection of legal materials recently acquired by our Law Library. My supervisor has asked that I give him some feedback on the quality of the cataloging. As I pored over name after name, I was thoroughly impressed by the attention to detail and the truly superior caliber of the records. A whim struck me, as whims will do. My feedback to my supervisor should take the form of verse. Better yet, I can lend it a slightly tangy zen by taking a blind stab at the profundity afforded by a more specialized form. And so, Dear Reader, without further first haiku.

The names were all new
Corporate and personal
They were fun to do


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