Sunday, October 08, 2006

I am the egg man

My son was here this weekend. It was his sixteenth birthday and we had a little party. But, I'll have to write about that another day, after I get a picture to include with the post. I wasn't going to write anything today, until there was a knock on my door a few hours after my son had returned to his mother's house. Who could it be? I peeked through the peep hole and saw it was Brian, one of the Special Olympians I coach. I opened the door and all he said was "Here's a salmon." Brian is quite the accomplished fisherman and has brought many salmon and a few steelhead to me over the past few years. I've gone to the store and returned home to find salmon on my porch. In plastic trash bags. A couple years ago he delivered three salmon in three days. This one weighed in at just under thirty pounds, and still needed to be cleaned. Oh joy. Brian asked if I would save any eggs for him to use as bait on future fishing trips. I invested in a smoker to deal with all the fish I was getting. I love smoked salmon. Everybody loves smoked salmon. I set up the smoker on my porch, which is partially enclosed. To prevent smoke building up and bothering my neighbors, I take the battery out of my smoke detector in the hallway, and turn on a box fan that faces out the back bedroom. For a few hours, while the salmon is smoking, there is a jet stream of delicious fishy hickory smoke shooting in the front door of my apartment, down the hallway, and out the back window. For days afterwards my apartment smells just lovely. Really. There needs to be an air freshener so scented. I'd buy it. For the time being, I'll just look forward to smoking this fish, probably Wednesday, after I dry cure it. Oh, and I'll be going to soccer practice Tuesday to give Brian a cottage cheese container full of salmon eggs.


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