Sunday, December 10, 2006

By whatever name, tasty

I may not have posted yesterday, but I did continue my cookie production. Graham cracker crumbs, chopped nuts, coconut, powdered sugar, margarine, peanut butter, oh yeah, and a little vanilla. Form into balls and dip in melted chocolate. The recipe says they're No Bake Cookies. I've heard them also called Peanut Butter Balls, and Parafin Balls. Whatever. They're labor intensive but tasty. I cranked out 154 of them, easily surpassing 300 total cookies, or the one-fifth mark on the way to my goal of 1500. My childhood memory of my mom making No Bake Cookies is of getting a piece of the wax paper that they are placed on to dry, covered in drops of chocolate to be meticulously peeled off and eaten. Kids are easily satisfied, some times. This morning I made another Caramel Apple Cheesecake, this time for the library's holiday potluck on Tuesday. Then it was back to the cookie baking. I don't remember the Coconut Cookies, but do have a recipe for them from my mom, so what the H-E-double hockey sticks? They are a kind of sugar cookie dough with a bit of lemon extract, and then topped with coconut before baking. Ninety-five Coconut Cookies later, and I am at 438 total cookies, according to my spreadsheet. I tried one. The only cookie I've eaten, so far.


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