Saturday, July 29, 2006

Again with the math?

I don't drive, never have. Mass transit, my bicycle, and my feet have always got me just about everywhere I've needed to be, and most places I've wanted to be. There have been times I've found myself at places I have neither needed to be nor wanted to be. But that is neither here nor there. Since I am a non-driver, I have never known road-rage. I've seen it. I've heard it. At times I've been able to smell it. Anyway, minus this significant source of stress that looms in many people's lives, I like to think I am able to stay in an accepting and tolerant spiritual place. Happy even. If I need bread or milk I just walk the two blocks to the supermarket and get it. I enter the queue at the express checkout, smug about my efficiency. And then battle is joined. I'm next! But what's this? The guy in front of me clearly has more than ten items. Can't he read? The sign is unambiguous: "10 items or less." (I'm not going to discuss here whether it should read "fewer.") At a glance I can count, 11, 12, 13, more. OK, the guy has exceeded the limit, and the cashier says nothing. Obviously some form of cronyism. They probably live across the street from one another. I can get through this though. I can, with effort, not let it bother me. I'm smug again. Oh no! Now you have got to be kidding me! He is paying with a check, fumbling with his wallet to produce two forms of identification. Hasn't he heard of a debit card? This really is too much! Again, the cashier is mum. I must not let it bother me. I see an opportunity for growth here. Or at least something to share with you dear reader. I have made progress by not getting too worked up by the flagrant disregard for societal norms. Real growth for me though, lies in not counting the items in someone's basket in the first place.


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