Thursday, December 14, 2006

Temporizing taste temptations, temporarily

I must unburden my soul Dear Reader. Plans were changed. Too passive? OK, I changed plans. On a whim, as usual. Guided by the television schedule. The Daily Show re-run and South Park, in particular. I completed baking 144 Oatmeal Cookies yesterday evening, and had posted that I would repeat that today, and frost them all tomorrow. Here is where it all went out the window. It was a ground floor window though, so no one was hurt, and nothing broken. I had some spare time. Just a skosh. A wee bit. A tad. But it was enough, I could clearly see, to make the frosting and get those twelve dozens put to rest, nestled between sheets of wax paper. But wait! There's more! I decided to make Snicker Doodles this evening. They are not from the "Heirloom" section of my trusty binder. I just like Snicker Doodles. And I love the name. It's not so much that 144 Frosted Oatmeal Cookies are enough ( is that even possible?) as it is that I need to get more walnuts, and wax paper, and that the weather today and tonight is supposed to be pretty blustery. Oh bother. Even by Pacific Northwest standards. The store is but a block and a half away from my apartment, but all the ingredients for Snicker Doodles (hee hee) are already in my apartment. Also, they will bring a little diversity to my growing collection of cookies. Digression (petite) warning: Do you care that I capitalize the names of the cookies? If you do, don't. Please. End digression. So you see Dear Reader, it's not that I lied in my last post about my future plans, which aren't even plans any longer at all, having been replaced by present plans, which were the future plans made in the past as the pre-existing past plans, which were not covered contractually, were given their unconditional release. It's just that I don't want to get my feet wet walking to the store. I did make plenty of extra frosting last night for peanut butter sandwiches, which I shall now enjoy, or, by the time you read this, shall have enjoyed.


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