Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Man's Best Friend (pt.3)

Jerry threw himself into pulling green chain. As at Burger Galaxy, he was good, very good at his job. There was too much going on to form any relationships with his co-workers. If there had been, he wouldn't have anyway. The pay was quite good. Great even. After two weeks, Jerry was able to get a car. Not a new car. Not a nice car. Just a car. A step toward independence. Living at home without any expenses, Jerry was able to pay off the car quickly. Then he had to do something about his living arrangement. Jerry saved a few hundred dollars for a deposit, and moved into a studio apartment. The previous tenant had abandoned a hide-a-bed so it was virtually furnished. He took what he wanted from his mom's house for his new home. This wasn't much. Just enough dishes for one person. He wouldn't need these often though as he had gotten into the routine of swinging by Burger Galaxy on his way to work for breakfast, and on his way home for dinner. He liked using the drive through so he could show off his success to his former co-workers. Mainly high school students with brighter futures, they were wholly unimpressed. He served merely as a warning of what could happen. The comfortable rut of going to work, collecting a paycheck, watching television, and sleeping, created in Jerry, for the first time in his life, a sense of contentment. He was almost happy. Almost. The opportunity to switch to a graveyard shift arose. It meant an extra dollar an hour and fewer co-workers for Jerry to avoid. Life was getting better and better. Jerry adjusted quickly to his new work schedule. It wasn't difficult. No bothersome people to accommodate, and something new : methamphetamine.


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