Friday, October 19, 2007

Even a drunk monkey could

1. Take lots of pictures. LOTS!
2. Upload pictures to computer.
3. Sort through pictures, rotating and removing as necessary.
4. Group pictures into logical categories.
5. Import pictures into Movie Maker.
6. Rip music and import for soundtrack.
7. Create title and credits screens.
8. Save project.
9. Open saved project in DVD Maker.
10. Burn 60 copies.
11. Repeat steps 4-10 for disc two.
12. Make labels for finished DVDs.
13. Create spreadsheet with names & addresses of intended recipients.
14. Create address labels from saved spread sheet.
15. Spend quality time applying labels to appropriate objects.
16. Go to the post office and get dirty looks from others in line as you mail everything.

There are a few steps that seemed so obvious that their inclusion would have been an insult to your intelligence Dear Reader. I have not gotten to the post office yet. Soon. This recipe was used for the pictures I took on my recent trip to Shanghai. Every bowler, every coach, and a few Chinese friends will receive copies. Looking back on the process, it seems so simple.

I have watched the DVDs. A couple hours running time. Seven scenes on two DVDs. (I did say lots of pictures, did I not?) I smiled. I cried. Then I smiled again. Now all that is left to do is to create metadata describing it. Er, I mean catalog it.


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