Thursday, July 19, 2007

No. Peace. In.

I'm back. Figuratively (after neglecting Subjunctives for so long, again) and literally, from the 2007 Special Olympics Team USA training camp that was held in Nashville. Tennessee (for the geographically impaired.) It was wonderful. I shall not go into great detail. Too much material. Too little time. I offer but a simple anecdote, and a photo. Schelly (correct spelling Dear Reader, really) is a bowler from Texas. She had some Special Olympics Texas bandanas to trade. I was looking for something orange for that someone special. Alas, Schelly didn't have an orange one. She offered a hot pink one to me for a Special Olympics Oregon pin. She wanted that pin. I relented, and threw in a magnet as well. I told Schelly that I had a friend at work who is an expert on the color pink. She told me that I should give it to her. I asked how she knew my friend was female. Quite matter-of-factly : "Because it's pink."


Now a picture. The four guys I'll be coaching in Shanghai, at the Gaodian Bowling Center. I think I got the spelling right. Too lazy to look it up right now, though it would be but a few left clicks of the rodent.

Left to right: Tony form Oregon, Chuck from Florida, Bobby from Pennsylvania, and Danny from the District of Columbia. The shirts were a gift from me. Everybody grooves to that which is tie-dyed. Don't they? Peace, Dear Reader. Out.


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