Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I was pondering metadata today. Like a lot of days. Better not to ask, Dear Reader. A little alliterative leap later and I was toggling between metadata and matter. Dark matter. Dark metadata. An image of something from either The X Files or the Twilight Zone (you choose) appeared in my mind's eye. A dark oily shadow of dark metadata. The notion washed over me. It wasn't cold like outer space, but warm. Warm like what Paco must have felt as he bled out through his severed femoral artery in The Capital of the World. Warm like peeing in a swimming pool. (Kids!) And it tingled too. Just ask James Earl Jones. I'm referring to his role in Field of Dreams, not his work as the voice of that denizen of the Dark Side, Darth Vader. And now we are back where we began. Circuitous. That word, circuitous, warrants a brief digression. You'll love this. I was watching the Giants-Phillies game the other day. An outfielder took a rather circuitous route to make a play on a fly ball. The announcer noted this, but pronounced the word "sirkweeshus." It took me a moment of utterly dumbfounded pondering to figure that one out. He'd better get a new word-a-day calendar.


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