Wednesday, August 09, 2006

:-) :-| :-o :-( OK :-)

Two meetings. Three hours. And both meeting rooms had windows so I could peek out at the gloriously sunny summer day. Not too hot either. Both meetings served purposes. Don't get me wrong on this dear reader. It's just that when I can see the sun streaming through the leaves of the trees mottling the green grass with various degrees of shade, my mind wanders. Today it fled. But no matter how hard it tried, it could not escape completely. Picking up legs from the knee-deep clayey mud to plod forward, it always heard what the speakers said. Still it strained against the invisible chain that held it in the yard. I thought about how grateful I was to not have to take the minutes at either meeting. I thought about how if I were to be taking the minutes, I would surely include emoticons throughout. Sardonic emoticons. Reticent emoticons. Suicidal emoticons. A little emoticon blowing little emotibrains back over the minutes, little x's for eyes. I considered a hanged emoticon, but that wouldn't work because they don't have necks. It was a very good thing I didn't have to take the minutes. Come to think of it, I don't think anybody did. Don't forget dear reader, that the meetings both were informative, even necessary to accomplish that which needed to be accomplished. Still, it takes a pretty good meeting to be better than no meeting at all. These two both met the criteria, for the most part. If only there weren't any windows.


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