Sunday, August 06, 2006

Google it, or not

Hi! It's me. I'm back. The Central Scrutinizer. (Oooh! I worked in a Zappa reference.) It's been a few days since I have written anything here, or anywhere else, other than lists and metalists. I just wanted to see if I could do it. Or, rather, not do it. Something about struggling with compulsive behavior. Or maybe my mind was just blank as far as what to write. Perhaps my mind was just completely blank. Could be. (Hong Kong Phooey reference.) Does the period go inside, or outside the close parenthesis? Is the singular "parenthesis" used properly. Do you, or at least as importantly, do I, even care? Am I underestimating you dear reader by giving you, (even parenthetically) the references? Did you notice? I took a train trip yesterday, spending the day in Corvallis, a good chunk of it at the Benton County Fair. A grand chunk. My first rodeo, that I can remember. My first livestock auction. I remember scratching my head and worrying that I may have just upped a bid. My ego at work no doubt. Just a lovely Saturday! Really lovely. I enjoyed a delicious waffle cone with a scoop of brown cow ice cream. I always thought a brown cow was root beer with milk. Not in this instance. Chocolate ice cream with just about every conceivable form of chocolate incorporated. Even white chocolate, which I love, and I know offends chocolate purists. Chauvinists all! Embrace the diversity of the entire chocolate family. You'll be a better person for doing so. I am sorry to report that I never did get an elephant ear. Rusholme Ruffians? Quite the opposite. Providing a link here would be too easy. I'm not even sure what I mean.


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