Tuesday, December 11, 2007

'Tis a season, or another

The season opened this Sunday past Dear Reader. Nope. Not baseball. Disregarding the winter meetings and the winter leagues. Nevermind. No, the season I speak, nay write of D.R. is of course, the holiday baking season. Cookies. Cookies. Cookies! Not yet. Hang on a sec. First, let's deal with the Library's Holiday Potluck. Desert usually. Cheesecake often. Not this year. I settled on a savory dish. One of my favorites from 1985-86. And though infrequently, since. I cobbled together from few versions of a few recipes ... μουσακάς. Pronounced moos-sah-KAH. But then, you already knew that. Lamb, egglant, white sauce/custard. Mmmm. Eύγευστος! I think. I hope. It has not yet been served. Forgive me if my adjectival declension is in error. Or not. No one will ever know. Either way. On either account. I think.

Skipping ahead. Aside rather. Cookie production has begun. I am not going to be obsessive as I was last year in that I am not aiming for an arbitrary goal as far as the number of cookies to make. (Let me catch my breath after that sentence.) I'll bake and bake and bake and see what happens. Then divvy them up to givvy them away. (Gag.) I have taken a single recipe, for Melting Moments, and turned it into four. So far. Substituting for the vanilla, firstly lemon extract, secondly butterscotch, thirdly peppermint extract, and fourthly anise extract. Nextly almond and after-thatly vanilla. Thenly maybe something else. Other than tasting, there is no way to tell which is which. Maybe smelling, but who holds a cookie to their nose and sniffs at it. And then what? Put it back on the tray?

I am pleased to announce that cookie production has been streamlined some with the acquisition of a couple of Silpats. New, quality cookie sheets as well. You may perform a search using the Google to learn more about Silpats. If you'd like. Do it! You know you want to. C'mon, just google it. There I said it.


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