Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sound and vision

I don't own an Ipod, or however the h-e-double-hockey-sticks one spells it. Never plan to own one either. Or verify the spelling of same. But the commercials are so catchy. Well, the music they employ is at least. Really catchy. Not enough to make me buy a gizmo, but enough to prompt me to Google (I know, I know) a few lyrics to learn the name of a song that won't give me any peace. Might as well learn the band's name while I'm at it. (Or in the case of Sara Bareilles, her name). As Nick L. might say: "And so it goes." In fact, he did say such. Google (again!) me wrong Dear Reader. Bruises resulting from poorly executed handstands, though not in that particular order of revelation left me with a ticket to a chairlift. Capitalized, properly. I left the building. The rain soaked the hood of my sweatshirt clean through soon after departure, but far enough along to rule out turning back. Ahh yes. The House of Records. This would be a real easy one. Right? Wrong. (Like you didn't see that coming). They did not have Does You Inspire You. I had to special order it. Probably, it will be here Tuesday. And it will probably be raining again, or still. And there will probably be a new song on a new commercial that will be making me nuts. More than I already am. At least I already have Low by David Bowie. Vinyl. You smell that? Now that is one pretentious post if I don't say so myself.


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