Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bite Me!

On a mission. When it's over... How easy for you was that beginning, Dear Reader? There are only so many cover images available in LibraryThing. Lots, to be sure. But still. Only so many. And then there are works unique to My Library. There had better not be cover images available. That would be just freaky, man. I mean, woman. (I don't think I have any male readers. Heck, I barely have any readers.) Back up a step. For clarity. Just let me explain. There are 1260 titles in My Library, so far. I have diligently verified the bibliographic integrity of each record as I have brought them into the library of pharvey4. But there were not always cover images available for each title. Not just any image, but the correct image. The one and only image that was for the edition and printing of the book I own. So, I started bringing a couple books to work each day to scan their images and upload them to you-know-where. Is there no end to local cataloging decisions screaming to be made? Some of my books, especially older ones that have been passed down through the years, do not have jackets any longer. Should I scan the plain front? No. That would be useless in every way and more. Scan the spine? I actually did this at first. Then I decided it looked like crap, and I went back and scanned again. Scanned what again? The title page. It allows that each and every title have an image. I can live with the idea that there are title page images in a field labeled "Cover." Can you, Dear Reader? If not, well, you can...


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