Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Sure, many will know that this is the robot from Lost in Space. Not the terrible movie, but the old cheesy television series. "Danger! Danger!" But who among you know the robot's name? See how helpful he is? Why would I need to show the relative size of this "toy"? Because it's not a toy. It is a big-ass, battery-powered PEZ dispenser. Yes, Dear Reader, another line has been crossed in my slow yet steady descent into, well I'm not sure into what exactly. I bet it is Danteesque though. And tepid. It does not dispense individual PEZ candies however, but entire packages. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty neat. Pretty neat. Here's the cool part. The battery-operated part: when one tips the head back to get candy, the robot (still nameless to you I bet, but not to me) speaks. To me. Others may be able to hear it, but I am the one who listens to it. I obey the robot. He doesn't ask for much. If anything. Just friendship. It really must get lonely at times for a 12" tall PEZ dispenser. I ordered some friends for him as well.
Extra credit: what is the name of the bunny? Seriously, I don't know. I used "Bunny Winking" and "Bunny Waving" in the catalog records. Good enough for now. Right now. Only for the moment. These cataloger-assigned names should probably be in brackets, but I don't know if or how that would affect indexing. It just feels so K-level. Smells like, like, retrocon.


Blogger Jen said...

The bunny's name is U*SA*HA*NA. I found her on the Sanrio page under "more characters."


1:51 PM  

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