Monday, December 01, 2008

Game ON!

Some people count words. I feel inadequate. Except when it comes to procrastination. Really, it's a solid, a good idea. I just have to sit down and write it. Maybe tomorrow. Then again... Incidentally, I am truly impressed, almost inspired. Even. I should write more. More words. More posts. More often. Sometimes I can even entertain myself. (More often not). But, it is December. There is a new (used) freezer in the garage. It is December. (I know I said it, but it needed repeating for effect here, and only here). The first December in our new house. I think it is fair to call a house new until after, I don't know, a year. And in that house there is a kitchen. And in that kitchen there is a binder. And in that binder there are...cookie recipes. A spread sheet is in order. And all the excess I can muster. I want to make more holiday cookies than I have ever made before. An obscene number of cookies. So many cookies that "obscene" is the only word that will adequately describe them all. I may not know it off the top of my head, but I will know it when I see it. As a tortuous aside, my son, the boy, who now lives with us, is gluten-intolerant and cannot eat the cookies. Poor boy. I will tinker with some recipes on his behalf. I am not a bad dad. I just won't need to worry about anybody sneaking into the cookie cans. Except for Susie. And me. But I'd blame Susie anyway. Who wouldn't?

Now for something completely different: Google "Jedi Squirrels." I told you Dear Reader. I told you.


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