Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It has taken fifteen years. Many, if not most of the population I work with as a Special Olympics coach do not have the healthiest of life styles. Mainly poor diet. But that, combined with a variety of physical disabilities and related health issues equals comparatively shorter life spans. I met Shirley when she was selected for Team Oregon's bowling team, and I its coach, for the inaugural Special Olympics National Games held in 2006. She was one of four athletes on the team and I was the luckiest of all because I had the pleasure and the privilege of being their coach. Shirley won gold medals in both the singles and the doubles competitions. She is pictured here receiving her gold medal from Eunice. Just Eunice. No more is necessary. Nor should it be. Just look at those smiles. Shirley bowled a 199. Those who can, do. Those who cannot, coach. Since that time, I have always looked forward to regional and state competitions because I get to reconnect with athletes I have coached in Iowa, Ireland, and China. We may no longer have the athlete-coach relationship, but we have something better: we are friends. Shirley passed away Christmas Day from complications of pneumonia. This was the first, and to this point, the only one of my athletes that has passed away since I began coaching in 1994. I know it won't be the last, but I can hope Dear Reader. Can't I? I will miss you Shirley. I already do.


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