Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lemonades and Peanut Butter Patties (2 each)

Does the serving size dictate the bowl to use? Or does the bowl (or plate) determine the serving size? Dear reader, please accept my apologies for again writing of the gastronomical. I had planned a light conversation on transgression, retribution and recidivism with particular emphasis on fantasy baseball. But, I was spotted at 6:30 this morning eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. (Your eyes did not deceive you: NOT frosting, but jelly, raspberry.) Spotted not by some early arriving reference librarian, but by my self-appointed health/fitness/nutritional adviser. Guru even. (I should point out, for the record, I am 5'10" and 170 lbs.) The position became his in a bloodless coup. I shall call him Ed. It was not long after I was seen, (not that I had been hiding,) that Ed appeared in my cubicle with the plastic wrapper from a grocery store deli. He wanted to illustrate for me the concept of moderation by showing me the packaging from the dinner he had eaten the previous night. I knew immedietely that this would be good blog fodder. The package read: 0.18 lb Rotisserie pork loin cold @ $4.99/lb which came to $0.90. Wait. There was more: 0.38 lb Oriental salad @ $3.99/lb or $1.52. Maybe it's just me, but 0.56 pound of any food does not qualify as a meal. Light snack, yes. Meal, no way. I. D. Shukhov ate better. (Not really, I'm just trying to illustrate my point, which I don't know anything about in the first place.) Now, where was I? Oh yeah. Which came first, the bowl or the serving size? Who cares? All I need to know is that there are two servings in a 15-ounce box of Crunch Berries when using my bowl. (They taste even better as they were marked down because the boxes were a bit mangled. And there were two of them!) An entire box of macaroni and cheese, with a can of chili and some chopped onion mixed in fits comfortably as well. (Not at the same time as the cereal. What are you thinking dear reader?) No overflow. I wish more things came in single-serving packages, just like Girl Scout Cookies.


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