Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Request lines are open

I just don't have the words. Any words. Which is convenient since the album is instrumental. This gem caught my eye at the recent vinyl show here in town. Which town is really quite irrelevant to the matter at hand. Left or right. I have not listened to it yet, but I have cataloged it. Sorry. Metadatated it. (I love typing "metadatated" because a little red line appears underneath. Oooh! There it went again!) I bought this for the cover. I have no idea what the music sounds like. Except for the Alfred Hitchcock Presents television show theme. The rest probably sucks. But who cares? Just look at the cover Dear Reader! In other words, check it out. Gaze upon it. Let your mind wander, even play a few tricks on you. Please overlook that the title ends in a preposition. Dangling. Ooops, I'm thinking of dangling participles. I think. Grammar teachers would probably make good murderers. Like totally. They could likely get the charges reduced to manslaughter. Like, if you, like, know, like, what, like, I, like, mean, dude. As for me, well, if I had to choose a soundtrack for my own demise, I suppose I would opt for something in the genre of Swedish black metal with traditional death metal progressions. That sounds familiar, and easy. Maybe something by Morphine, or just about anything from the Miami Vice television series, I suppose. I can name that tune in two notes Tom.


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