Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Think of the implications

The other day during a span of under a minute, over 20 visitors were shown to have visited this humble site. From everywhere. Europe, Asia, North America. My favorite was from Medellin. Could it have been? No. Pablo Escobar is dead. I chalked the whole flurry of activity up to some crazy haywire in Map Loco. I asked the Boss (not Steinbrenner!) what she thought. She spun a tale of a spider. Not venomous. Just a spider. No worries. And then she showed me SiteMeter. Well, that was a bell (or whistle, you choose Dear Reader) I simply had to have. I figured out (on my own mind you) how to set up a SiteMeter account, and how to add the HTML to my Blogger template. Now I can see who visits. And when. And for how long. That is unless you have some Klingon cloaking device for your IP address. After you have read this Dear Reader, know that I will find out. So why not take the time to leave a comment?

Monday, July 06, 2009

Not fish, but fowl

Since we bought our house I have looked forward each year to Art and the Vineyard. Ooooh the garden art! For each of the past two years I have gone to the annual weekend festival knowing I would be purchasing another piece of garden art. Of course I never know what exactly. Only that when I saw it, I would know. There is often a cooling off period during which Susie and I discuss that which has caught my eye. This year a rock fish came highly recommended, and indeed was quite cute, and even made the list of possibilities. But then I saw her. Tall and bronze. Oxidized actually. We named her Frieda. She was worth every penny, just based on the looks and the comments of other festival attendees as I hauled her to the car.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

So you don't forget...

It arrived. Finally. Though "finally" seems an inappropriate choice of word. I allowed 4-6 weeks for delivery as I had been advised. It has been 26 days. I counted. I speak Dear Reader of my brick. What else? My piece of Yankee tradition. My hunk of hallowed ground. When the Yankees moved across the street to new Yankee Stadium, they moved the monuments from Monument Park from the old stadium. Of course they did. Then the remains were disassembled. Brick by brick by brick by brick. I saw an advert on YES during a break in the action of a Yankee game. I thought about it for a day, consulting with the lovely Susie. Then I placed my order.