Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sound and vision

I don't own an Ipod, or however the h-e-double-hockey-sticks one spells it. Never plan to own one either. Or verify the spelling of same. But the commercials are so catchy. Well, the music they employ is at least. Really catchy. Not enough to make me buy a gizmo, but enough to prompt me to Google (I know, I know) a few lyrics to learn the name of a song that won't give me any peace. Might as well learn the band's name while I'm at it. (Or in the case of Sara Bareilles, her name). As Nick L. might say: "And so it goes." In fact, he did say such. Google (again!) me wrong Dear Reader. Bruises resulting from poorly executed handstands, though not in that particular order of revelation left me with a ticket to a chairlift. Capitalized, properly. I left the building. The rain soaked the hood of my sweatshirt clean through soon after departure, but far enough along to rule out turning back. Ahh yes. The House of Records. This would be a real easy one. Right? Wrong. (Like you didn't see that coming). They did not have Does You Inspire You. I had to special order it. Probably, it will be here Tuesday. And it will probably be raining again, or still. And there will probably be a new song on a new commercial that will be making me nuts. More than I already am. At least I already have Low by David Bowie. Vinyl. You smell that? Now that is one pretentious post if I don't say so myself.

Friday, November 07, 2008

I can't write this stuff!

At each Special Olympics Oregon state games that end each of the three sports seasons, there is a dinner, a dance, and other special activities. The 2008 Fall Games will be no exception. I have copied and pasted the schedule here, just for you Dear Reader. Especially for you Dear Reader. (For whom else?) Some things don't require any commentary to bring out irony. This is no exception. It's probably for the best there won't be cholesterol screening.

Saturday, November 22
4:30PM to 7:00PM Chicken Dinner provided by KFC
4:30PM to 9:00PM Health Promotions & OSU/OHSU Pharmacology BP & Diabetes Screenings
5:30PM to 9:00PM Dance

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

No need to whine

I awoke refreshed this morning Dear Reader. At 2:00 AM. Really. Refreshed. I am wound up like a kid on Christmas Eve. It is election day. I am excited. No lobbying here. Worry not. Neither of you. It's been one of those "all over the map" kinda days so far. And I haven't even touched the pile of maps sitting on my desk waiting to be cataloged. First-time author headings. Subject headings for a biographical work on Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev. "Hold Me Now" by Elastica. Song and album. (Check it out). An e-mail about a hold on a book for the Cat-Dept. Not me. No one at the desk knew what it was all about. And there's some kind of superunnatural thing going on with the Hold Shelf out there, believe me! I had to restore the e-mail from the garbage can, flicking off the coffee grounds that had adhered to it, to see that the message had come from within the department formerly know as Cataloging, but, like horror movies where the sinister call is actually coming from upstairs, it was too late. But then who cares? It is election day, Elastica continues to groove deliciously between my ears, links have been maintained and Drivel Head is wearing her glad rags. And I forgot all about ritual Hello Kitty scarification. Line up!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Flag on the play?

New recipes are not daunting as they once were. Don't ask me why and I shall not lie. I saw a recipe in the New York Times for kasha varnishkes. The name attracted me because of the Eastern European feel to it. And Frank Costanza ate kasha. I read the narrative and the recipe. A traditional Jewish dish consisting of kasha (buckwheat groats), chicken fat, onion and farfalle pasta. Salt and pepper too, if you're gonna get all technical on me Dear Reader. I substituted olive oil for the chicken fat. Not for any health consideration, but because I simply couldn't find any rendered chicken fat at the store. A beautiful Mayan onion, a huge Mayan onion yielded the 2-plus cups of diced onion called for in the recipe. It came out very nice. Lots of ground pepper is suggested when serving and I will concur. It was a great side dish for the pork chops that Susie grilled to perfection on the barbecue. We were not being disrespectful by any means. It's not like I substituted bacon fat for the chicken fat. (A consideration I am mulling.) Is it even irreverent if one doesn't recognize it until after the fact? If it is, than it must certainly be respectfully irreverent.